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Input And Output Devices in A Computer

Presentations | English

"In this age, life without computers is unimaginable. A computer is a machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Inputs are the signals or data received by the system and outputs are the signals or data sent after processing the input data. An input/output device, often known as an IO device, is any hardware that allows a human operator or other systems to interface with a computer. Input/output devices, as the name implies, are capable of delivering data to and receiving data from a computer. It receives data as input and provides it to a computer, as well as sends computer data to storage media as a storage output. There are many input and output devices. Keyboard and mouse are the most commonly used input devices. Monitor and the printer are the commonly used output devices. The presentation will give more details on the topic."

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Input And Output Devices in A Computer

Presentations | English