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Importance & Impact of Corporate Sustainability

Presentations | English

"Business is a powerful actor in society, with some businesses being larger than some governments. Businesses now have so much power that executives can choose to create a better life for all or just a few. Society is also pushing companies to invest in sustainability. Many governments, citizens, and other stakeholders want to see companies showing concern for their communities. Failing to do so can mean losing the social license to operate, which is society’s trust in a company. Additionally, companies can benefit in the long term from being green and good. Evidence shows that financial benefits come in many forms. For example: ● Reducing waste, e.g. through energy efficiency investments, often produces savings. ● Investors increasingly look for companies that have higher “ESG” (environmental, social and governance) ratings, as a way of managing risks. ● Creative and committed individuals seek out employers committed to sustainability and are even willing to take a lower salary if such a commitment is sincere. "

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Importance & Impact of Corporate Sustainability

Presentations | English