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How to Prepare Biodata, CV, Resume

Presentations | English

Biodata is a carefully crafted document that consists of all the biographical details of an individual – academic, professional and personal. A CV or a Curriculum Vitae is a document that comprises of all biographical details of an individual as well although they are most often intended for a specific job opening or application which also usually accommodates more content. A resume, on the other hand, is a shorter version of an individual’s biographical data and experience. Although we know what they convey, nailing your biodata, CV or resume could be tricky. No more worries since we have you covered. The PPT describes the ‘how’ part of creating a biodata, CV or resume and helps you develop your own at the earliest. Watch it right away…

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PPTX (76 Slides)

How to Prepare Biodata, CV, Resume

Presentations | English