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Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium

Presentations | English

Why is the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium useful? It is incredibly useful because it describes mathematically the genetic product of a population in which all individuals are equally likely to survive and to produce surviving offspring. How can using the Hardy Weinberg equation be useful? In population genetics studies, the Hardy-Weinberg equation can be used to measure whether the observed genotype frequencies in a population differ from the frequencies predicted by the equation. Does the Hardy Weinberg principle apply to humans? Human populations do not meet all the conditions of HWE exactly, and their allele frequencies will change from one generation to the next, so the population evolves. Don’t you think that Hardy Weinberg equation is very crucial for finding out the genetic equilibrium? Don’t you want to learn more about the concepts of Hardy Weinberg equation? Let’s learn further about the topic with the help of a presentation, shall we? Please refer.

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Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium

Presentations | English