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Presentations | English

Our basic purpose in life is to find happiness. We do things, we omit things, we try out different things all for the basic end result that it in some way will provide happiness to us maybe in the little of ways or maybe more than we can fathome. It is characterized by a number of feelings, joy, relaxation, comfort but mostly being content and satisfied with where you are at life and whatever you have right this moment. We often thing it is a very easy task, but as time goes by it might tend to seem a little hard but ultimately you only have to focus on the fact that this life is gifted to find what your purpose is and it could also be to find happiness or something even better, to give happiness. In a world where the emphasis on happiness is growing and the mirror is turning inward, the happiness of the world is dependent on the happiness within each of us and how we act, share, and voice the importance of happiness for everyone.

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Presentations | English