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Handouts - Day 01

Documents | English

Gamification is the process of applying game mechanics, elements, and principles to non-game contexts to improve user engagement. Gamification is frequently used in the workplace for employee training, recruitment, evaluation, and organisational productivity. One way through which gamification can be optimally utilized is through Immersive Learning. Immersive Learning makes use of technology that helps the brain learn more effectively. It will not replace current methodologies, but it will enhance the learning experience and improve training efficiency. Another way through which gamification can be brought into being is through the theory of Black Swan. The black swan theory, also known as the theory of black swan events, is a metaphor for an unexpected event that has a significant impact and is frequently inappropriately rationalised after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. Vuca, Information Overload, Deep Fake are all different methods that brings together the New Normal, gamification in education. Check out the handout to get a better idea on how it is applied!

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PDF (14 Pages)

Handouts - Day 01

Documents | English