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Habitat Ecology

Presentations | English

Do you know how every kind of living being select its place to live? What are the factors that influence the living beings to select their habitat? In ecology, a habitat is where a species of organism lives or thrives. It is the natural environment of that species. It is where it will derive its food, shelter, and mate for reproduction. It is where the species will attempt to be as adaptive as possible. Habitats may be an open geographical area or a specific site (e.g. a rotten log, a hollow tree, or inside a tree bark). They may be terrestrial or aquatic. Geographically, habitats may be classified into the following types: polar, temperate, subtropical, or tropical. Don’t you want to know the interesting factors that influence the living beings select their place to live? Let’s unveil further information on the topic with the help of the presentation. Please refer.

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Habitat Ecology

Presentations | English