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Growth & Reproduction in Bacteriophages

Presentations | English

The term 'virus' is a nightmare now because the corona pandemic has taken a toll on the entire mankind. Do you know viruses can affect bacteria too? The bacteriophages! Yes, bacteriophages, meaning bacteria-eater also known as phages or bacterial virus are a group of viruses that infect bacteria. They are classified into a number of virus families and some examples are microvirodae, rudiviridae, tectivorodae etc. They consist of a core of genetic material i.e., nucleic acid surrounded by a protein capsid. The growth of phages can be divided into three periods- adsorption of the phage on the bacterium, growth upon or within the bacterium and the release of the phage. The biological nature of phages forces their reproduction in the host cell. It attaches itself to the host and then pursues one of the two replication strategies: lytic or lysogenic. Please see the engaging presentation for more details.

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Growth & Reproduction in Bacteriophages

Presentations | English