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Global Trade

Presentations | English

We know the local traders in our hometown. Many goods and services are sold and bought in the local market on a daily basis. Different countries produce or develop diverse products and services. Some countries naturally possess or have access to certain products which are needed by other countries. In such a scenario the latter will depend on the former for those products. For example many countries depend on gulf countries for oil since they are oil rich. Global Trade or International Trade refers to the exchange of capital, goods and services across international borders or territories. Global Trade has many benefits. Opportunities for the exchange of foreign currency and increased revenue are there The approximate value of Global Trade in 2019 was 19 Trillion US Dollars. This shows the unimaginable size of international Trade. The world of Global Trade is a world of attractive careers and business opportunities. Learn and grow further. The attached slides help. Please learn more.

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Global Trade

Presentations | English