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Gender Role in Children's Cartoons and Books

Presentations | English

The way, in which gender roles are portrayed in children’s literature, significantly contributes to the development of children’s gender roles and how they are perceived by the society. The Television programs are a central part of children's everyday lives. These programs often transmit stereotypes about gender roles such as math is for boys and not for girls, pink is girly and blue is boyish, boys don’t cry while girls cry in her whole life and so on. The portrayal of gender in literature is based off of the expectations of society and places bias on gender. Boys are portrayed as strong, adventurous, independent and capable and often play the roles of fighters, adventurers and rescuers. Girls are portrayed as sweet, naive, dependent, sensitive and emotional and play roles such as caretakers, princesses and mothers. The roles of gender portrayed in literature are often a reflection of the views of society and do not offer objective insight. So this stereotype is influencing the children and giving them a wrong impression like they have to be like that or they may be bullied.

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Gender Role in Children's Cartoons and Books

Presentations | English