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Food Chain and Food Web

Presentations | English

"The globe runs on a balanced scale. It requires the weight to be managed in such a way that neither part of it starts dropping or vice versa. None of us are new to the concept of food cycles and food chains. The whole of Earth runs on a certain balance created by the beings residing in the planet. Every living organism, big and small, contribute to the systems and the said 'balance'. Food chains act as a form of representation to the system of 'who eats who'. While food chains specify and give more attention to the nods or connections of the cycle, a food web represents each and every food chain present in the ecosystem. Each organism in the chain contributes significantly to the smooth functioning of the food chain and in turn the food web. The web thereby interconnects every living being on Earth, one by one. The web is also known as the consumer-resource system. Hope you find this learning experience to be fun!"

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Food Chain and Food Web

Presentations | English