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Food Chain

Presentations | English

In nature, we generally distinguish two general types of food chains: of razing food chain and detritus food chain. The Grazing food chain starts from the living green plants, goes to grazing herbivores (that feed on living plant materials with their predators), and on to carnivores (animal eaters). Ecosystems with such type of food chain are directly dependent on an influx of solar radiation. This type of chain thus depends on autotrophic energy capture and the movement of this captured energy to herbivores. The mangroves considered generally as of less economic value make a substantial contribution to the food chain that supports the fisheries, an important economy in that region. Similarly detritus from sea grasses, salt marsh grasses and seaweeds support fisheries in many estuarine areas. Thus the detritus food chain ends up in a manner similar to the grazing food chain (big fish eat little fish), but the way in which the two chains begin is quite different. In detritus chain, the detritus consumers, in contrast to grazing herbivores, are a mixed group in terms of trophic levels.

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Food Chain

Presentations | English