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Judaism, Christianity, and Islam recognize Ezekiel as a Hebrew prophet. He is the author of the book of Ezekiel, which foretold the destruction of Jerusalem and the Third Church of the Jews. It is divided into three sections, each of which addresses a distinct topic. The fall of Jerusalem is the subject of chapters 1 through 24. Chapters 25-39 comprise a series of promises to foreign nations, culminating in a section contrasting Israel's future to that of other nations. Chapters 40-48 outline a plan for the rebuilding of the temple and the re organisation of the restored nation of Israel in the third segment. Ezekiel was a prophet who lived in a time of iniquity and misery. He hoped to bring people to instant repentance and faith in the future through his prophetic ministry. Ezekiel's belief in the final establishment of a new covenant between God and the people of Israel had a significant impact on the reconstruction and reorganisation of Judaism following the exile.

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RAR (48 Units)


Audio | English