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Enzymes, Vitamins, Hormones

Presentations | English

"Before getting deep into the course of the subject, let us give you an idea about what you are getting into. Enzymes are globular protein molecules that act as biological catalysts for chemical reaction. They work fast and with a particular sense of remarkable precision; they select the right type of molecules to act on. Vitamins are substances of organic matter that are majorly significant for their nutrition. Without vitamins, proper functioning of the enzymes is hindered and in turn it affects the health of the individual. They are not proteins and nor are they fats or carbohydrates. Hormones are chemical messengers. They are produced by the endocrine glands and is later transported by the blood vessels to every part of the body. These hormones can be anything - steroids, proteins, or polypeptide chains. Now that you have an idea, head right in!"

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Enzymes, Vitamins, Hormones

Presentations | English