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Environmental Microbiology

Presentations | English

Microorganisms are present everywhere, even in extreme environments. But the important factor to be known is that even if they are in large number present surrounding all of us, only one percent of microorganisms are known to us. The topic is study of microbes present in our environment, that is in soil, air, and water mainly. Environmental microbiologists examine the microbes, that can be pathogenic as well as useful for human beings. Bacteria and fungi live in terrestrial environment usually feed on organic matter. They are susceptible to thrive in both fresh water as well as sea water ecosystem. Some bacteria grow in the root of pea plant helps in nitrogen fixation. Extremophiles are microorganisms living in conditions like extreme cold or hot even with least oxygen availability and high saline surroundings. They engage in symbiotic relationships like mutualism, commensalism, amensalism which affect the ecosystem in many ways. More information about the topic can be obtained from the powerpoint presentation.

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Environmental Microbiology

Presentations | English