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Electoral Politics

Presentations | English

What is our biggest right? Isn’t it our right to select who will represent us and be the voice of the voiceless? Yes. Our right to vote is the biggest right that has been gifted to us through various social and political reforms. Often the voting system is used to conclude or decide upon various political decisions. Electoral systems are the detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems that convert the vote into a political decision. The first step is to tally the votes, for which various vote counting systems and ballot types are used. Voting systems then determine the result on the basis of the tally. Lasting change can only be assured through electoral wins. Elections let us determine who makes our decisions for us. It is with this guiding belief that we exercise our right to vote. Right to vote, is right to breathe ! The presentation will provide the resources to know further about the topic. Please refer.

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Electoral Politics

Presentations | English