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Effects of Tobacco Smoking

Presentations | English

What are the effects of smoking tobacco? What impact does tobacco have on society? Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, and diabetes. How does the media advertising influence the use of tobacco? Evidence from controlled field experiments and population studies shows that mass media campaigns designed to discourage tobacco use can change youth attitudes about tobacco use, curb smoking initiation, and encourage adult cessation. Is smoking bad for depression? Though its mechanism of action does help you feel better in the moment, smoking does not help with your depression overall. In fact, smoking is likely making your depression worse. What are the social effects of smoking tobacco? Social effects of tobacco production include social disruption for communities in which tobacco production is declining, and for communities in which tobacco production is being introduced. Some of the effects that may be experienced after smoking tobacco include: initial stimulation, then reduction in activity of brain and nervous system. increased alertness and concentration, feelings of mild euphoria, right? Don’t you think that tobacco is a social evil? Shouldn’t they be controlled? Let’s learn further about the effects of tobacco smoking with the help of the presentation, shall we?

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Effects of Tobacco Smoking

Presentations | English