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Diversity in Living World

Presentations | English

The world is dominated by a plethora of living organisms living in the land, water, ice, desserts, etc. Every living organism is unique with respect to structure, body functions, genetic make-up and so on. The living organisms found in different habitats have different structural organs or functions developed as per the conditions of their habitat. Based on their physical features and habitat, these animals are classified into different order and class. Animals live in different environments including water, land, deserts, forests, grasslands, ice land and so on. All these organisms consist of something called cells. Cells are the building blocks of life and one of the most important characteristics of living organisms. They are structural units of life carrying out specifically assigned functions. A group of such cells form a tissue. Diversity in living organisms can be experienced everywhere on earth. The warm and humid regions of the earth are highly diverse and are called the region of mega biodiversity. 12 countries in the world have more than half of the biodiversity in the world. India is one of them.

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Diversity in Living World

Presentations | English