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Debt Market in India

Presentations | English

Did you know that Indian Debt market is the largest in Asia? Debt market is rapidly evolving, aided by a variety of variables like as new products, higher liquidity, interest rate deregulation, and enhanced settlement systems. Banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, FIIs, and mutual funds are the primary players in the Indian debt markets today. Instruments issued by corporations, banks, financial institutions, and state/central governments can all be generically classified on the market. Credit risk, interest rate risk, settlement risk, and liquidity risk are all hazards connected with every investment. While corporate papers are subject to credit risk as a result of changing business conditions, government securities are thought to be risk-free. Interest rate risk exists in all debt securities and is influenced by a number of macroeconomic variables. The Government of India securities market is the largest segment of the Indian debt market, with daily trading volume over Rs 10,000 crore and instrument tenors ranging from short-dated Treasury Bills to long-dated securities extending up to 30 years.

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Debt Market in India

Presentations | English