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Cutting of Trees

Presentations | English

Deforestation is cutting down of trees or forest for different purposes that can affect wildlife, ecosystem, weather patterns and deliberate changes in the environment. Usually trees are cut down for agricultural purposes, cattle ranching, illegal logging, urbanization, mining etc. The clearing of forest result in climatic change as well as imbalance. Trees are very important to control the environmental crisis of global warming. They are capable of utilising green house gases so that the balance of the atmosphere could be restored. Estimations are about 25 percent of greenhouse gas emission is due to deforestation and more than 1.4 billion tons of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere each year. Without trees, erosion of soil into nearby waterbodies can also damage the quality of drinking water. Major loss is wildlife extinction due to habitat loss. Deforestation is capable to disrupt the lives of people as well. Solutions are regulations from government by banning forest clearing, encouraging afforestation, decreasing paper consumption and by creating an awareness the impact of deforestation. More information can be found in the powerpoint presentation.

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Cutting of Trees

Presentations | English