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Criminal Profiling

Presentations | English

A criminal profile is a set of assumptions about the characteristics of the individual who committed a crime or a series of crimes. With a plethora of inferences based on a range of approaches, the criminal-profiling community and the literature it produces suffer from a lack of precision and applicable grasp of what an inference is and how to form one without falling prey to fallacy. Using the paradigm of criminal profiling, this chapter shows how valid conclusions are made. It necessitates the use of the scientific method, a working knowledge of reasoning, and the ability to recognise when someone is mistaken. Psychological autopsy, a type of profiling that has sparked significant interest in the news media, entails compiling a psychological profile of particularly well-known deceased individuals. It's also utilised in suicide situations to see if the person who died indeed committed suicide. However, as with criminal profiling, its validity and reliability are also called into doubt.

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Criminal Profiling

Presentations | English