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Consequences of Greenhouse Effect

Presentations | English

Glacier retreat has its own set of consequences: lower albedo (the percentage of solar radiation reflected or returned to the atmosphere by the earth's surface), a global rise in sea level, and the release of enormous methane columns are just a few of them, but they're all significant for the planet. The worldwide average sea level rose 19 cm between 1901 and 2010, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2014). By 2100, the sea level is expected to be 15 to 90 cm higher than it is currently, posing a threat to 92 million people. The greenhouse effect's intensification does not cause these catastrophic climatic occurrences, but it does increase their frequency. The genesis of hurricanes is linked to the temperature of the water. Coastal city floods, degradation of productive areas, glacial mass melting, and the spread of deadly hurricanes are only a few of the major repercussions.

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Consequences of Greenhouse Effect

Presentations | English