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Computer Architecture

Presentations | English

In computer engineering, computer architecture is a conceptual model and basic working structure designed by Don Leave. The main function is the CPU. The first reference to the term architecture is in a 1964 article describing the IBM system / 360. Architecture in this article refers to a set of attributes. Computer Architecture has three main subdivisions, Instruction Set Architecture or ISA. The main thing considered here are the instruction set, memory address modes, processor registers, and address and data format. Address Mode describes a register that is used to store a portion of the CPU. Its main advantage is that the information is easy to retrieve. Micro Architecture, System design, System design refers to the description of the various hardware components of a computer system. Once ISA and microarchitecture are specified, the next step is to format the system into hardware. Implementation is the name given to this process. All the implementation functions in the CPU together are called CPU design.

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Computer Architecture

Presentations | English