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Childhood Obesity

Presentations | English

It’s a medical condition and can affect the physical and psychological wellness of a child. Overweight children are more likely to develop diabetes and heart diseases even in young age. Not only by food habits, but also by genetic inheritance, obesity comes into children. Also, inactivity and unhealthy eating habits cause this problem. Difficult to cure, and the tendency to transfer into adult obesity is more common. Always keep a track on child's food habits. Never encourage the habit of rewarding with chocolates. Incorporate the idea of having food only when you are hungry with their mind. Serve healthy food and treats should be given once in a while. Be a role mode to your child, by showing them healthy and nutritious eating practices. If parents are obese, the chances for the kid to become the same is more. Make time to play with them, so that they can have an increased metabolism. The topic is explained in detail in the PowerPoint presentation.

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Childhood Obesity

Presentations | English