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Chemistry as a Discipline of Science - Scope of Chemical Science

Presentations | English

Chemistry holds an intermediate position between various other branches of science. It is the scientific discipline that involves the study of matter, its compositions, properties and reactivity with other elements. It can also be considered as a point of view that places its major focus on the structures and properties of substances, particular kinds of matter. It specifically focuses on the changes that the matter undergoes and considers both macroscopic and microscopic information. The five main disciplines of chemistry are physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry and biochemistry. The chemical science is intensely ingrained into so many areas of business, government and environmental management. It plays an important role in the development and growth of a number of industries. This includes industries like glass, paper, cement and so on. The huge application of chemistry in industries like paint, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, plastics and so on are highly crucial.

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Chemistry as a Discipline of Science - Scope of Chemical Science

Presentations | English