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Check & Act

Presentations | English

The Plan-Do-Check-Act progression is a four-step example for accomplishing change. Almost as an orbit has no end, the PDCA cycle should be recited again and again for consecutive development. The PDCA cycle is deemed a project scheduling equipment. The most important of these is check. standardized and casual analyses ranging from daily teacher evaluations to six-week improvement summaries and annual standardized tests. Teachers can access comparable data in an electronic database to specify trends. Very poor students are supervised by a specialized study team. Throughout the school year, mid-course revisions are made if students prove that they are not learning as expected, such as retraining, changing teaching methods, and direct teacher guidance. The evaluation data becomes the input for the next stage of the cycle. When objectives are attained, curriculum design and teaching methods are deemed standard. Teachers share best practices in both formal and informal situations. The results of this cycle become the input for the "analysis" phase of the next A + approach cycle.

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Check & Act

Presentations | English