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Chapter3 - Karma yoga

Audio | English

The 3rd chapter in the Bhagavad Gita is “Karma Yoga”. The title depicts the idea of ‘karma’ or ‘action’ where action implies service without expectation of anything in return. Lord Krishna, through this chapter, advises on the importance of karma in life. He further emphasises it by saying that it is significant for every individual to take part in an action or activity in this world. He also asks Arjuna to do the action selflessly such that he is not doing it for any kind of profit but Lord Krishna himself. He also explains the two types of action – one leading to liberation and the other to commitment. Therefore, Lord Krishna says that the individuals who carry out their respective activities and does not do it for benefit but the Lord, it is they who attain liberation.

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MP3 (1 Units)

Chapter3 - Karma yoga

Audio | English