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Chapter12 - Bhakti yoga

Audio | English

The 12th chapter in the Bhagavad Gita, the chapter of ‘Bhakti yoga’ or the ‘Yoga of Devotion’ is initiated with the great warrior Arjun asking Lord Krishna about the two different kinds of yogis and further enquires about which among them is the ideal yogi. It is through this chapter that Sri Krishna stresses on the importance and superiority of the path of devotion and worship rather than any other path of spiritual disciplines. By saying so, He also reveals multiple various aspects of devotion. He says that the devotion for God and the love of God does not come easily to anybody. Again, through the 12th chapter he continues to stress on importance of constant devotion where only the ones who surrender their minds to Him completely and sincerely and perform pure and honest devotional service in devotion to Him.

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MP3 (1 Units)

Chapter12 - Bhakti yoga

Audio | English