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Cancer Treatment Using Nanotechnology

Presentations | English

Apart from following the treatment methods of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy, nanotechnology mode of treatment in cancer is still a new technology in research and is still developing. The other methods can only handle the disease to a small extent. Sometimes the disease can even come back causing more damage. The nanosize particles, which are ten times smaller than human cells, are used in both diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Nanosized medicine forms a coating over the cancer cells helps in identifying the cancerous cells at the early stages. The coated cells can be easily identified while doing a scan. Also, nanodrugs can be directly delivered to these cells by attaching the antibiotics. The particles are so special that they are capable of only delivering the chemotherapy drugs to the cancer cells. That is they won't damage the surrounding healthy tissues. This decreases the re-entry of the disease as well. Abraxane and doxil are the two nanoparticles used in this therapy. Let's have a detailed discussion on this topic. Please have a look into the presentation slides.

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Cancer Treatment Using Nanotechnology

Presentations | English