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Can Business be Started Without Money

Presentations | English

Most people think that money is the key to start a business, but if you have a good business idea and have done your market research right, you may actually succeed with little to no money. In order to succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to be willing to make tough decisions and make a lot of sacrifices. You can start a business with little or no money, but that's not the same as starting without resources. In fact, the more resources you have, the less money you will need. By resources we can mention some such as intelligence, imagination, social circle, experience, studies and knowledge in general, the time available, the ability to connect seemingly unconnected points, the ability to see opportunities where no one else finds them, manual, sports, artistic or physical skills in general, intellectual skills, health etc. Thus, if you have the drive to start a business, coupled with a great idea and an unbelievable drive to succeed, you can start a business with no money.

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Can Business be Started Without Money

Presentations | English