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C7SS CIV 05B - Social and Political Life II - Chapter 5 - Women Change the World - Part 2

Presentations | English

'Women Change the World' is a chapter in the class 7 NCERT social science textbook, ‘Social and Political Life - II’. A woman's work at home is not recognized as work. Doing household work and taking care of family members is a full-time job and there are no specific hours at which it begins or ends. While considering their work outside their homes, some occupations are considered to be more suitable for men than women. Many people believe in these stereotypes and girls do not get the same support that boys do to study and train to become doctors and engineers. In some families, girls are encouraged by their families to see marriage as the main purpose of their life. Women struggle for equality. Getting an education was the only way in which new opportunities were created for women. Situation of women and girls has improved over the years due to women’s movement. All these topics from the chapter are covered in detail and in easy-to-understand points in two PPTs. You can find the following topics from the second half of the chapter in this PPT: · Schooling and education today · Women’s movement Download both the PPTs on the chapter understand it better and do well in your examinations.

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PPTX (31 Slides)

C7SS CIV 05B - Social and Political Life II - Chapter 5 - Women Change the World - Part 2

Presentations | English