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C7SS CIV 02A - Social and Political Life II - Chapter 2 - Role of the Government in Health - Part 1

Presentations | English

“Role of the Government in Health” is a chapter in the class 7 NCERT social science textbook, ‘Social and Political Life - II’. In a democracy, people expect the government to work for their welfare. This could be through the provision of education, health, employment, housing or the development of roads, electricity etc. According to our Constitution, it is the primary duty of the government to ensure the welfare of the people and provide health care facilities to all. Health is our ability to remain active in our work and daily lives. India has a huge network of public and private hospitals, yet many people, even today, do not receive proper health care services. The two PPTs on this chapter explain all the topics covered in this chapter in easy-to-understand points and images. This part contains the following topics: · What is health? · Healthcare in India The remaining topics are covered in the second part. Download the two parts to revise the entire chapter and do well in your examinations. All the best.

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PPTX (31 Slides)

C7SS CIV 02A - Social and Political Life II - Chapter 2 - Role of the Government in Health - Part 1

Presentations | English