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C7EN MRPM 04 - English - Honeycomb - Unit 4 - Poem - Chivvy

Presentations | English

"Chivvy" is a poem in the grade 7 NCERT English textbook, ‘Honeycomb’. It is one of the numerous poems written by Michael Rosen. The poem, written from a child's perspectives, lists out the numerous points of 'nagging' by an adult. This poem enlists most of the Do’s and Don’ts that we hear from adults in our childhood. Although the poet clearly criticises this behaviour of adults, it must be noted that all this is done to show us that no matter how we feel, it is in our best interest to listen to and follow our parents' instructions as they know the world better than us. Download this presentation for a simplified explanation of the poem and prepare well for your examinations. Good Luck!"

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C7EN MRPM 04 - English - Honeycomb - Unit 4 - Poem - Chivvy

Presentations | English