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C10EN MRPR 08 - English - First Flight - Unit 8 - Prose - The Sermon at Benares

Presentations | English

‘The Sermon at Barnes’ is a short story from the NCERT class 10 English textbook, First Flight. Betty Louise Renshaw Barber, a US born celebrated author, is known for her writings mostly reflecting her views for betterment of the world. In the story, a woman named Kisa Gotami wants Lord Buddha to revive her deceased son. Surprisingly, Lord Buddha asks her to bring a handful of seeds from a house where death hasn’t taken their beloved. She fails to get seeds from any house in the land and understands that death is inevitable; and the only way to be immortal is to give up selfishness. Download this presentation for a simplified explanation of this chapter and study well for your examinations.

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C10EN MRPR 08 - English - First Flight - Unit 8 - Prose - The Sermon at Benares

Presentations | English