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Basics of Data Structure

Presentations | English

A framework for storage and organization of data in an efficient way. Data structure is not any programming language like C++ or Java. It’s simply the algorithms used to align data in the memory of any programming language. Mainly there are two types of data structures: primitive and non-primitive. Primitive data structures include int, char, float, pointer and double which can have only a single value. Non-primitive is again classified into two types, linear and non-linear structure. Linear is a sequential method of arranging data in linear form, structures are arrays, linked list, stacks and queues. Advantages of a structure are reusability, efficiency and abstraction. Operations performed are searching for any element, sorting in ascending or descending order, insertion of new element, updating an element with replacement, deletion or removing an element in a structure. More details can be understood from the PowerPoint presentation.

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Basics of Data Structure

Presentations | English