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Atoms & Molecules

Presentations | English

Do you know that an atom is a marvel since it is made up of three parts? Protons have a positive electrical charge and are located in the nucleus of each atom with neutrons (which have no charge). Electrons with a negative charge orbit the nucleus. Because atoms are far too small to be observed, studies to determine their structure and behaviour must be carried out using a vast number of them. We can try to build a hypothetical model of an atom that acts like the real thing based on the outcomes of these studies. Covalent (chemical) bonds bind one or more atoms together to form molecules. Atoms are represented by circle shapes with a nucleus in the centre (containing protons and neutrons), surrounded by one or more concentric circles representing the atom's "shells" or "levels" in which the electrons surrounding the nucleus are located, and markings indicating the electron at each level.

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Atoms & Molecules

Presentations | English