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Animal Biotechnology Applications

Presentations | English

Animal biotechnology as we know it now has a lengthy history. Traditional breeding procedures, which date back to 5000 B.C., were among the first biotechnology techniques used. Biotechnology gives us new tools for bettering human and animal health and wellbeing, as well as boosting cattle output. Meat, milk, and eggs are among the foods that have benefited from biotechnology. Biotechnology has the potential to reduce an animal's environmental effect. Applications developed through research have led to the emergence of three scientific agricultural animal biotechnology sectors: 1. Animal genomics 2. Animal cloning 3. Genetic engineering of animals. Treatments for illness prevention and treatment have been developed by the animal health sector. Farmers may use new vaccinations, diagnostic tests, and procedures to cure livestock illnesses while also lowering foodborne pathogens on the farm.

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Animal Biotechnology Applications

Presentations | English