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Alternative Fuels

Presentations | English

An alternative fuel is defined as biofuel, ethanol, methanol, hydrogen, coal-derived liquid fuels, electricity, natural gas, propane gas, or a synthetic transportation fuel. Biofuel is defined as a renewable, biodegradable, combustible liquid or gaseous fuel derived from biomass or other renewable resources that can be used as transportation fuel, combustion fuel, or refinery feedstock and that meets ASTM specifications and federal quality requirements for each category or grade of fuel. The concern over rapid depletion of fossil fuels has prompted the search for alternative fuels having efficiencies similar to those found for the conventional fuels being used today. Most of the alternative fuels have properties similar to those of the existing fuels, and therefore the technology required to handle them is already well known. Hydrogen is an exception to this, and its ignition properties are quite different from those of the conventional fuels.

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Alternative Fuels

Presentations | English

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