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"Surah Al-Mumtahina or ""She who is Examined"" is the sixtieth chapter in the Holy Book of. The 10th verse addresses the subject regarding the examination of women who migrated from Mecca to the newly formed Muslim state that is Madina, and hence insist that they are Muslims and believe in the system of religion that is Islam - the title is therefore derived from the 10th verse. It comprises a total of 13 verses (ayah) which are then divided into 2 different Ruckus or Sections. The Surah was revealed in Madina, the time period after the Treaty of Hudaibiyah. Surah Al-Mumtahina discusses the subject regarding what the relationship should be between a Muslim and a non Muslim. While the first half talks about an incident regarding the companion of Hatib bin Abz Balta, the second half of the chapter discusses about the emigrant women."

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