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"The 15th Surah is titled the Al-Hijr. It has a total of 99 verses (ayah) divided into 6 Rukus or Sections. This is an early Meccan Surah and the name of the Surah comes from the 80th verse where it has a mention of ""Hijr"". It is believed that it refers to the people of Thamud. The Surah consists of messages of comfort and encouragement to the Holy Prophet. Those who do not believe are admonished to accept it and and at the same time, warned of the dire consequences. The stories of Adam and Devil are introduced to them as an example along with other examples of other Prophets and their own people. The messenger of the Supreme God conveys that whoever and everyone who recites this message will be presented with good deeds, in equal to the number of emigrants and the helpers."

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MP3 (1 Units)


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