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"The twenty second chapter of the Holy Book of Quran is titled Al-Hajj or ""The Pilgrimage"". It comprises of a total of 78 verses (ayah) divided into 10 Ruckus or Sections. This Surah was partly revealed in Mecca and partly in Madina although there are allegations that it was in fact in Madina that it was entirely revealed. The name of the Surah stems from the 27th verse of Surah Al-Hajj where there is a mention of the rite of pilgrimage that is believed to initiated by Prophet Ibrahim. The chapter starts with the portrayal of the Day of Judgement and the fear of the chance of it causing huge terror and also about the end of the world that is on its way. It speaks broadly about the ""Kaaba"", the Sacred Mosque, built by Prophet Ibrahim upon God's command and focuses on its history as well as its purpose."

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MP3 (1 Units)


Audio | English