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Al Baqara

Audio | Arabic

The Surah Al-Baqarah depicts the relationship of Allah with the created world in itself. It says that Allah is the creator or everything and therefore this Surah teaches Muslims the importance of belief and urges them to have the firm belief hence. Muslims are to be grateful for the blessings of Allah and for the creation of this world, which has only benefited humankind. It teaches that Muslims should not compare partners with Allah, which is a greater sin. Muslims must avoid this for if they want to reach paradise. The second passage of the Surah encourages to be grateful to Allah. Allah's relationship with humankind and mercy is considered as the evidence of His love. His creations are the evidence of love. One must not harm nature, which Allah has prepared for humankind and therefore being ungrateful is a great sin.

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MP3 (01:39:32 Minutes)

Al Baqara

Audio | Arabic